Oh no!!! React is fu**ing cool

Md. Abul Hasan Nur Rafi
2 min readMay 7, 2021

1. Why React

In a browsers’ programming interface for HTML or others, when a user interacts with the browser with DOM, the browser becomes slow & laggy to output because a normal browser manipulates everything in a browser. But react has the power to make a virtual DOM and update the specific position what a user makes a change.

2. Why easy to use React

React gives the power to the developer to work with virtual DOM, now a question come why do I need a virtual DOM. As a web developer, we all know that working with a browser’s DOM API is so hard & react work like an agent between you and your browser & communicate with the browser on behalf of yours.

3. Why React is safe to use

React is developed by the Facebook team. First of all, they test all the improvements and new features and implement them right on Facebook which makes this react library more trustworthy to the user and developer also it is safe to use because it is bug-free

4. React is nothing without components

React use components to describe UI. We define small components and put them together in another component. All components are reusable and we can edit them anytime. A components input property (props) and give us output UI. We can reuse a component in multiple components. Also, we can name components as we want.

5. Hooks are so cool

Hook is nothing but a special function. All hook function starts with the word “use”. There are some most used hooks are useState, useEffect, useCallback. Hooks are so powerful and we can do so many things with hooks. Hooks components can only use in function components

6. Is react library or framework

Frameworks are those which are already made for use by the developer. Now you just have to put it on your site and this is how angular works. On the other hand, using a library you have to make all decisions by yourself and React is a library. It helps you to build a user interface.

7. Data goes down

In react if we want to pass data, then we must have to pass data from the parent to the child by using props. From jsx point of view, props is nothing but an HTML attribute.

8. How React render

When we use setState() that means we changes or add something to our state, and when we save our react project then react call render() to update. Then react compare with it virtual DOM. A child component must know where the changes because the state has changed before.




Md. Abul Hasan Nur Rafi

I am a high voltage powered react js web developer